Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Trade Mark registration in South Africa

After going through this process in Europe, I did the same now in South Africa. The website www.cipro.co.za of "Company and Intellectual Property Registration Office" (CIPRO), a division of Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) was a great help. The direct link to the trade mark area is as follows www.cipro.co.za/products_services/trademarks.asp,
What is necessary is that you first get yourself / your company registered as a customer with CIPRO in order to obtain a so-called virtual account. This virtual account is conditional for receiving services not free of charge from CIPRO, such as the registration of your trade mark. Before you can use such services, you need to make a deposit into this virtual account. The amount of this deposit is completely up to you, i.e. what ever services you have in mind you would like to use, look up the price list, add them up and you know roughly what your first deposit should be.
The templates they provide are quite handy and user friendly. However, I have to admit that the instructions how to use those templates need a little bit improvement - but all this is manageable and gives you the right results.